The Life Drawing Group engages professional male and female models.
The model of the evening will work through a series of poses including standing, seated and reclining.
The pose times vary from “warm-up “sketches of 30 seconds, on to 2 minute sketches, and then to more extended poses of 10, 15 and 20 minutes.
There are two short breaks during the evening.
Sessions are held twice a month on the first and third Monday evenings between 7.00 and 9.30pm.
at the Oatley West Scout Hall, 101 Woronora Pde, Oatley West.
Next Scheduled Dates for Life Drawing 2024
16th September 14th & 28th October 4th & 18th November 2nd December
Beginners to advanced are welcome.
Tables and easels supplied. Simply bring your favourite materials and support board.
The fee is $15.00 for members and $18.00 for non members. Please note we can only accept cash and it would be appreciated if you would provide the correct amount in a sealed envelope with your name and address written on the front.
Please email or text your intention to attend the group before your first night of attendance to:
Christine Miller Phone: 0434 195 098 or by email:
Or Ian Taggart Phone: 0458 590 503 or by email: